At Oakland Integrated, we provide top-notch services for people with Mental Illness. We also serve patients in group homes and assisted living facilities. We diagnose and treat children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly.

Mon - Friday: 8AM - 8PM Weekend Appointments Also Available

Mon - Friday: 8AM - 8PM Weekend Appointments Also Available
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How to get help

Home  /  How to get help

We are a dial away from you

Just give us a call or complete the registration form to schedule an in-person or video session with one of our providers and our experts will take it from there.

Finding the right treatment

Our providers will work with you to find the best care for all your mental health needs.

Treatment management/follow-ups

We do not stop at getting the best treatment for you, we go further to manage you all through your treatment phase, nursing you back to a healthy you.
For us, helping you to regain your mental health is our outmost goal.


Doing things differently

Now that we have worked together to get you back to the healthy you, we also provide counselling on how to do things differently to sustain the new healthy you.

Contact us for more information